Sitemap - 2018 - LT in the City Weekly

What are you proud of this year? ☺

Your playing small does not serve the world 🌎

What does "having it all" mean to you? πŸ’

8 things I'm doing before the end of 2018 πŸ“

That time Michelle Obama made me cry 😭

Success doesn't have an expiration date πŸ‘΅

What's your superpower? πŸ’₯

brb ... taking a #SelfishSabbatical ✌

Yoga for Black girls (by Black girls) πŸ’œ

#YogaSoWhite πŸ™

Sick and tired of being sick and tired 😑

What brings you joy? ☺

Dare to dream πŸ’­

Stop getting in your own way βœ‹

How to successfully switch careers πŸ’»

September is the new January πŸ‘Š

Home is where the Wifi connects automatically πŸ’»

Flowers for the Soul 🌺

Am I too ambitious (or not enough)? 😫

A house is not a home 🏑

Ch-ch-changes 😣

Learning to let go of FOMO 😭

Thank you, thank you ... you're far too kind πŸ’œ

A love letter to Chicago πŸ“

This is America?

Unapologetically Black, Unabashedly Christian πŸ™

How do you find yourself? πŸ™Ž

Brb, taking a Mental Health Day πŸ’ƒ

Get out of your own damn way πŸ’

Trust Your Dopeness ✨

FREE Wallpaper (and another GDPR email) πŸ“§

And we'll never be royals ... πŸ‘Έ

It's my party and I'll blog if I want to πŸ’ƒ

Say the thing πŸ“£

The to-do list can wait πŸ“

The 10,000-Hour Rule πŸ•™

Channel your inner Beyoncé 🐝

Say it with your chest πŸ“£

How I increased my salary by $30,000 πŸ’ƒπŸ’°

Spring clean your soul πŸ’

If it doesn't challenge you, it doesn't change you πŸ’ͺ

Time is NOT a renewable resource πŸ•“

That time I relapsed on self-compassion 😁

How does your body feel? πŸ’

No, no, no, no, no πŸ™…

Don't Hurt Yourself πŸ’œ

Okay, ladies, now let's get in formation πŸ‘―

To take a sick day or not to take a sick day? 😷

Are you willing or wanting? πŸ’

Get yourself an accountabili-buddy πŸ‘­

The heart wants what it wants πŸ’•

Protect your peace ✨